Induced labor for 3 long days. Hopes of a natural birth were sliming. Then we got some great news!
After 3 long days in labor with almost no progress our hopes were sliming down on having a natural birth but our faith was still high....
Induced labor for 3 long days. Hopes of a natural birth were sliming. Then we got some great news!
Mommy's First Dance With Asher
Asher's New Gift Reveal From Aunt Teri.
Asher's New Gift Reveal From The Rodas Family
Asher's New Gift Reveal From Bubbeh and Poppa (grandparents)
LA Family surprised us with a Baby Shower!
Surprise Laguna Beach Baby Shower!
Baby Asher has a special delivery from the Shad family.
Dad takes on the nursery mural.
Sensei (dad) vs the crib.
We can't wait to meet our handsome baby boy!
Baby moon in Central Coast, CA
There is definitely a Karate Kid in my belly!
Did I just feel the baby kick?
Is it a BOY or a GIRL?
Is that a heartbeat I hear?
Ahhhhhh, we're pregnant!!